Wednesday 11 February 2015

Get To Know Me

Hello everybody! I haven't written a post in quite a while and I apologies but I've had problems with my laptop recently and have been unable to get access to another computer. Anyhow, so you guys could get to know me a bit better, I thought I'd do the '10 questions / facts about me' tag. Enjoy!

1. What is your middle name? My middle name is Grace. My parents where supposed to call me Grace but at the last minute, my dad decided he liked the name Lillie.

2. What is your favourite subject at school? At the moment, my favourite subject is English, mainly because my teacher is such an amazing person.

3. What is your favourite drink? It's really boring but my favourite drink is actually water. One of my new years resolutions was to drink less fizzy drinks and as a result of this, I've come to love water.

4. What is your favourite food? The one food I could eat for the rest of my life is cereal. I love cereal so much however I never have milk with  it as I do not like milk.

5. What is my favourite book of all time? At the moment, my favourite book is The Hobbit.

6. How many siblings do you have? I have two siblings; a 12 year old sister and and 4 year old brother.

7. What is your favourite film? I am a massive film fan and I have seen too many to even remember. However, my top 5 favourite films are The Goonies, Dirty Dancing, It's A Wonderful Life, Grease and Forest Gump.

8. What is your favourite T.V show? I've always really enjoyed Glee and I always will however, I do really like American Horror Story and The Vampire Diaries.

9. What is your dream job? I'd absolutely love to be a make-up artist and work for a successful company like MAC or have my own business. 

10. What colour hair do you have? At the moment, my hair is a dark brown but my natural hair colour is blonde. When I was 13, I was really into pop punk music and I had a sudden impulse to dye my hair darker so I went a dark red colour. I do not regret it at all. 

So that is the end of the questions guys. Let me know if you would like to know anything else about me by leaving a comment below.

Have a good day everyone.
Love, Lillie 

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