Wednesday 31 December 2014

Goodbye 2014. Hello 2015

One of my favourite things to do is to look through old photos. I can't count how many times me and mum have sat down and looked through photo albums from when I was younger. They always bring back such good memories.
As it is almost the end of 2014, it seemed only appropriate to look back on some of the memories I have made this year. Although 2014 hasn't been consistently good for me, I have made some amazing memories that I will never forget.
In April, my family and I took a day trip to London; we went to Madam Tussauds and the London Eye. It was such a good day! We don't live too far away from London, so me and my family often take day trips there. Also this year, my grandparents took us to see The Lion King in the westend. That was also an amazing day! 

The best day of the year by far was when three of my bestfriends and I went to see McBusted in Chauntry Park in Ipswich. It was my first time going to a festival/concert and it was an amazing experience. The only downside to the day was that the weather was pants (but I do live in England so what else can we expect?) however, it was still an amazing day!

This year, me and my family went back to the same holiday resort for the second year in a row. It is an amazing 5 star hotel in a beautiful area in Turkey. We all had such a great week away. On the third day of our holiday, my little brother tripped and cut his head on the corner of a table. He worried us so much but thankfully, he was okay.

In 2015, I hope to write more on this blog. I'm very interested in fashion and beauty so that is the sort of content I will write about. Besides beauty and fashion, I hope to upload the occasional baking and lifestyle post. Thanks for reading.

Have a good day everyone. 
Love, Lillie

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